Scholarships & Awards

Mount Barker Community College has a number of scholarships available for students to encourage their personal excellence.

Scholarships are open to students currently in Year 10 and 11 who fit the eligibility criteria. Winners of these scholarships are announced at the annual Year 7-12 Speech Night. 

Application forms can be collected from the front office or by following the links below.

Norm Burnell Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is made available by public subscription in memory of the late Mr Norm Burnell, a Mount Barker resident for many years and a man with a high sense of community responsibility and dedication to the local community.

Students in Year 11 and 12 for 2025 are eligible to apply for the scholarship by completing this form.

Plantagenet Student Hostel Award

This scholarship is made available from funds in trust from the closure of the Mount Barker Student Hostel and is available to Mount Barker Community College students in Year 11 and 12 who travel 45 minutes or more to school by bus.

Students in Year 11 and 12 for 2025 are eligible to apply for the scholarship by completing this form.

Mount Barker Peace Prize

The purpose of the prize is to promote an understanding of Peace – in all its aspects – relevant to the development of our community.  This is seen as including (but not limited to) Sustainability, Reconciliation between peoples, and Peace.

The Prize is commemorated by a perpetual wooden trophy that captures some of the Spirit of Peace.

Students in Year 11 and 12 for 2025 are eligible to apply for the scholarship by completing this form.

Recognition of Excellence

Mount Barker Community College students can be recognised for their outstanding achievements. If you know of a student who has achieved something significant in the fields of sports, community, academia or art you can nominate them for consideration using this form.


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