Traineeships and Apprenticeships

School Based Traineeship (SBT)

The preferred pathway into a SBT is via participation in Workplace Learning (WPL).This allows the student and the employer to build and develop a working relationship.

It must be noted however that doing WPL is not a guarantee of a SBT, these are jobs which are dependent on the economics of the individual business. We actively promote them where appropriate but there is no guarantee.

On enrolment into a SBT, the aim is for the student to complete a Certificate II level qualification trained on the job.  Generally the student attends college 4 days per week and is at the workplace for 1 day. During holidays students are able to work more if that suits the employer.

The SBT is organised in partnership with ATC Worksmart who provide mentoring and cover the employment responsibilities such as insurance. During the traineeship the student receives a training wage and on completion of the qualification the employer receives an incentive payment.

If the qualification is completed within the school year then it counts towards the students Year 12 WACE.

School Based Apprenticeship (SBA)

Entering into a SBA usually comes via Workplace Learning where the student has impressed the employer with their work skills and work ethic and they wish to keep them long term as an Apprentice however they recognise the importance of the student completing their Senior School education.

SBA are Certificate III level Trade Qualifications with an apprenticeship contract.

The SBA leads directly into full time employment at the end of Year 12.  Students are able to complete up to one third of their Apprenticeship prior to graduation (this varies for different trades). Students attend college 3 days per week, 1 day at TAFE or a Training Provider, and 1 day in the workplace.

We currently have one School Based Apprentice, who is completing his apprenticeship at Suggs Timber Machining and Joinery in Albany.

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