In our college, vocational education begins in lower school years with students investigating the world of work; however it begins in earnest when the students reach Year 10.
We maybe a small country college but we aim ‘big picture’ for our students.
In Year 10 the students investigate possible career options, learn about such things as Occupational Health and Safety and their rights and responsibilities. We aim to start the process of being ‘work ready’.
Year 11 and Year 12
Students in Years 11 and 12 have the opportunity to further investigate career paths by trying out worksites in the surrounding area. The students are interviewed to find out what career paths they are interested in and then the Workplace Learning Coordinator locates possible employers and organises the documentation and insurance. The students go to the worksite one day per week, usually on Thursday for one semester. They are able to change to another worksite in the second semester.
This program is a great way for students to really find out if that is the right career path for them, to gain extra work skills, to build up their resumes, and their workplace contacts. All very useful in the world of work.
This program could not operate without Community and Employer support, and generally the benefits are a two way process. If you are interested in supporting the program by providing potential worksites the Coordinator will be glad to hear from you.